Living Cursed is a fantasy novel created by author Lizzy Richmond. Living Cursed follows the story of Maisey Collins who is forced into a kingdom filled with magic, monster, and a truth of her past she wasn't prepared to face. With only the help of a hunter Kit and his wolf Axel, Maisey is relying on the help of strangers as creatures come to kill her. The longer she is in this unknown world, the more changes start to take over her in a way she can't understand or hope to control. She's followed by a voice she can't seem to get to go away. Maisey has spent her life relying on her instincts, but that was in a world she understood. That was when she knew the role she had in society. The only thing she can be certain of now is whatever happened to her as a baby wasn't an accident and she knows it is only a matter of time before someone tries again.
Living Cursed is a fantasy novel created by author Lizzy Richmond. Living Cursed follows the story of Maisey Collins who is forced into a kingdom filled with magic, monster, and a truth of her past she wasn't prepared to face. With only the help of a hunter Kit and his wolf Axel, Maisey is relying on the help of strangers as creatures come to kill her. The longer she is in this unknown world, the more changes start to take over her in a way she can't understand or hope to control. She's followed by a voice she can't seem to get to go away. Maisey has spent her life relying on her instincts, but that was in a world she understood. That was when she knew the role she had in society. The only thing she can be certain of now is whatever happened to her as a baby wasn't an accident and she knows it is only a matter of time before someone tries again.