Little Black Fairy & Other Very Fairy Stories, Poems, Rhythms & Rhymes

Little Black Fairy & Other Very Fairy Stories, Poems, Rhythms & Rhymes

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"Do Fairies eat?" Indeed they Do!

But not chicken or burgers, or FIRM TOFU!

Raspberry bits they often munch.

Fairy-berry pie is their favorite lunch;

Or Fairy-berry mush...warmed by the sun"

This is just a teeny weeny sample of the poems and tiny stories from this wonderful collection. In this, Mama Koku's second Fairy Book (see Zuri the Fairy), we're introduced to Tahloolah Lahroo from Louisiana, who is Fairy to the 'gators; Dathan the Bee Charmer, who stops the bees from chasing him by playing his Fairy Flute; Omaria, who chastises naughty children hurting butterflies; and The Fairy Queen who recites Nikki Giovanni, sings India Arie and has a 'fro like Angela Davis. Most pieces feature a beautiful illustration of a Black Fairy by illustrator Kevin F. Bell, but we also see a diverse Fairy World throughout the book. Poems and stories are clever, funny, thoughtful, and heartfelt. The words jump off the page, and the magnificent illustrations magically catch them.

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