The Life We Live follows the journey of a young boy named Davon, who feels the weight of his father's legacy pressing down on him. Growing up in a gritty neighborhood, Davon is drawn to the street life that his father embraced a world filled with both allure and danger. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence, he finds himself following in his father's footsteps, caught up in a lifestyle that promises excitement but often leads to unforeseen consequences.
The Life We Live follows the journey of a young boy named Davon, who feels the weight of his father's legacy pressing down on him. Growing up in a gritty neighborhood, Davon is drawn to the street life that his father embraced a world filled with both allure and danger. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence, he finds himself following in his father's footsteps, caught up in a lifestyle that promises excitement but often leads to unforeseen consequences.
Paperback (Large Print)