Immerse yourself in the intriguing world of higher education philosophy with "Liberal and Illiberal Arts." This enlightening paperback delves deep into the ancient debate on the role and value of liberal arts in contemporary society. Explore the diverse perspectives offered on how education shapes not only one's career path but also character and civic responsibility. The book highlights the ongoing tension between liberal arts and more utilitarian approaches to education, offering insights into why the liberal arts matter now more than ever.
With well-researched arguments and persuasive rhetoric, "Liberal and Illiberal Arts" prompts a re-evaluation of educational priorities. It challenges readers to assess the holistic benefits of a liberal education — from cultivating critical thinking skills to fostering empathy and moral judgment. Suitable for educators, policymakers, students, and anyone interested in the philosophical foundations of education, this book promises to provoke thought and inspire dialogue on shaping the future of education.