In society, race, gender, and other facets of identity play a determining factor-at times unfairly-for people who play equal parts in pursuit of a common goal. As parents, we should encourage our children to work hard and to establish a value system for themselves when they do not feel they are being compensated accordingly. Both the male and female gender should understand women are not aggressive or problematic for standing behind the value they bring. When we help our children to understand women and men should be compensated equally according to their skill set, we help to make work more pleasurable and less stressful for all.
Robyn Fuller is a CPA, full-time entrepreneur, and a mom. After spending several years in Corporate America, Robyn offered her experiences in the lifestyle blog, Corporate Momming.
While Corporate Momming started as a way to express herself creatively, after seeing her daughter mimic the behaviors that led to her childhood desire of becoming a businesswoman, it also inspired her to write this book. Robyn's goal is to share lessons with future generations to improve workplace morale and the overall culture of Corporate America. Robyn's hope is that Parker and Jhett's Chronicles will inspire young readers to be mindful and thoughtful leaders.