Dive into Legend of Dabi, a gripping supernatural fantasy set in a dystopian wild west with Native American roots. In the broken world of Eden, where injustice, discrimination, and despair reign, a young outcast named Dabi is condemned as a villain. But as dark forces rise, Dabi discovers his true calling-transforming from a weak vagabond into a reluctant hero.
In this epic journey of resistance, Dabi must unite the divided and lead a fight against an ancient evil that threatens to consume everything. Filled with rich world-building, Native American influences, and wild western dystopian elements, Legend of Dabi is a must-read for fans of mature fantasy dramas, supernatural battles, and stories of redemption.
If you enjoy immersive fantasy worlds like Game of Thrones or The Dark Tower, and powerful tales of resistance, you'll be captivated by Legend of Dabi.