Highlights Puzzle Readers offer an innovative approach to learning that integrates puzzles and stories to develop motivated, confident readers.
Young kids will feel confident practicing their new reading skills with this collection of six beginning readers! Kit and Kaboodle love to travel. Kit never packs enough, and Kaboodle always packs too much. Join them on their adventures as they travel to a city, go camping, attend space camp, and more. In these Level 2 Highlights Puzzle Readers, kids can help the duo by finding items for their journeys in Hidden Pictures puzzles that double as story illustrations! With a bonus picture dictionary, this collection is perfect for readers who are starting to read more independently. Includes Kit and Kaboodle Explore the City, Kit and Kaboodle Ride a Roller Coaster, Kit and Kaboodle Blast Off to Space, Kit and Kaboodle Go Camping, Kit and Kaboodle Fly the Skies, and Kit and Kaboodle Take the Train.","price":19.99,"gtin":"9781639623099","brand":"Highlights Press","product_link":"https://www.discountmags.com/products/kit-and-kaboodle-puzzle-reader-c-hardcover","images":["https://img.discountmags.com/products/extras/books/9781639623099_2062438.jpg"],"item_group":"2388161"}