Surviving Difficult, Troubling Times Many of God's people rebelled when their king, who was King David's grandson, treated them too harshly. The kingdom divided: north became \"Israel,\" and south became \"Judah.\" God's prophets warned them to worship the LORD, keep His Laws, and help others in need. Otherwise, foreign invaders would capture them, exile them, and destroy Jerusalem. Glops watched as the prophecies came true. They wondered how and when God would save the exiles and restore the Holy Land. Prophets spoke of the future Jerusalem, hope for all God's people, and the coming Messiah. The Story of Glops Series The fictional, chameleon-like glops help the reader stay engaged by voicing the concerns and feelings that are invoked by true Bible stories. They elaborate on important historical facts and traditions. Chief messages throughout the series are that our Father God wants us to know and love Him, He always keeps His promises, He always answers our prayers, and His plans are infinitely better than our own. The Story of Glops series strikes the perfect balance between reality and fantasy in the genre of children's literature. The writing style, photos, and illustrations are appropriate for children giving them opportunities to imagine how life was in Biblical times. There is depth to these stories, but the author presents them in a way that captures the imagination of anyone of any age who reads them. The stories in the Glops series are accurate, accessible, and appropriate. The reading level is good for interested adults to read to younger children and for middle graders, teens & young adults to read for themselves. These books make meaningful additions to any reading list and bookshelf. They may also be used in homeschooling.","price":46.99,"gtin":"9798990291652","brand":"Betty's Music & Publishing","product_link":"","images":[""],"item_group":"2413022"}