Five hauntings. Five tales of lost love. One unforgettable medium who connects them all...
Step into the Kindred Spirits Mysteries, where the boundary between the living and the dead is thin. Each book in this collection unfolds a new tale of mystery, romance, and the lingering grip of the past. In every story, a different protagonist encounters a ghostly presence-a spirit whose lost love or buried secrets reflect their own struggles, guiding them toward healing, understanding, and sometimes, love.
Meet Ashlyn Alden, a psychic medium gifted with the ability to see what others cannot. From haunted theaters to charming inns, Ashlyn weaves her way through each mystery, revealing the hidden connections between the living and the dead. In the last story, she takes center stage in a Christmas mystery that brings her face-to-face with a spirit whose holiday grudge threatens to turn cheer into fear.
For fans of cozy mysteries, paranormal romance, and ghost stories with a touch of heart, this collection offers timeless tales of love, loss, and secrets that refuse to stay buried.
So pour a cup of tea, settle in by the fire, and prepare to lose yourself in Kindred Spirits Mysteries. Because some loves-and some mysteries-never die.