Journey Towards Soul Consciousness: The Philosophy Behind The Esoteric System of Vibrational Sound and Color
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- Engaging with ego patterns and defense mechanisms
- Exercises such as novel forms of meditation, grounding, and those using chakras, vibrations, sounds, and colors, including Elias De Mohan's Twelve Ray Vibrational Sound and Color System
- Offering an understanding of the impacts of past lives and karmic issues
Unique and engaging, Journey Towards Soul Consciousness offers a path for spiritual seekers hoping to embark on a journey toward an evolved consciousness.
- Engaging with ego patterns and defense mechanisms
- Exercises such as novel forms of meditation, grounding, and those using chakras, vibrations, sounds, and colors, including Elias De Mohan's Twelve Ray Vibrational Sound and Color System
- Offering an understanding of the impacts of past lives and karmic issues
Unique and engaging, Journey Towards Soul Consciousness offers a path for spiritual seekers hoping to embark on a journey toward an evolved consciousness.