Jesus' Awkward Questions

Jesus' Awkward Questions

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Jesus asked many questions during his three years of ministry on earth, some provocative, some unsettling, and some rather strange! In Jesus' Awkward Questions, a medical doctor and Biblical Greek scholar dissects 12 stories where Jesus asked a peculiar question, and reflects on what Jesus was revealing about himself, the human condition, and how radically and practically he speaks to our lives today.

1. Why are you searching for me? 2. What do you want? 3. What do you want me to do for you? 4. Do you want to get well? 5. Why all this commotion and wailing? 6. Who touched my clothes? 7. Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 8. Where can we buy bread for these people to eat? 9. Has no one condemned you? 10. How long should I put up with you? 11. Which one loves him more? 12. Haven't you got any fish?

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