Jacqueline de Jong: A World Unhinged. This groundbreaking biography delves into the extraordinary life and work of Dutch avant-garde artist, Jacqueline de Jong. From her tumultuous childhood during World War II to her pivotal role in the Situationist International, the book offers an intimate portrait of an artist who defied conventions and challenged the status quo. Explore de Jong's radical contributions to feminism, her fearless exploration of taboo subjects, and her enduring impact on contemporary art. This comprehensive exploration reveals the complex and captivating world of one of the 20th century's most influential artists.
Jacqueline de Jong: A World Unhinged. This groundbreaking biography delves into the extraordinary life and work of Dutch avant-garde artist, Jacqueline de Jong. From her tumultuous childhood during World War II to her pivotal role in the Situationist International, the book offers an intimate portrait of an artist who defied conventions and challenged the status quo. Explore de Jong's radical contributions to feminism, her fearless exploration of taboo subjects, and her enduring impact on contemporary art. This comprehensive exploration reveals the complex and captivating world of one of the 20th century's most influential artists.