Meet the main characters as you go along: former concrete-truck driver Jack Lewicki himself, now on his way to becoming a nurse; Bark Lady (store owner and savvy Pemberlander); Dindonkey (Director of Housing), Yogi Rasputnik Goorvonovitch (no description would do him justice); Sebastian O'Reilly (Pemberland's so-called Minister of Finance), Ready-Mix Straightarrow (City of Pemberland General Secretary of Finding a Job), Sir Willgraph Reesy (creator of The Graph Factory and expert on global warming), and Ma Shen Li-ping (chef extraordinaire).
You'll likely end up wanting to move to Pemberland, but other than a modest number of refugees, only a few people are allowed in every year: Don't forget that population limit! Well, you can't have everything...or can you?
Meet the main characters as you go along: former concrete-truck driver Jack Lewicki himself, now on his way to becoming a nurse; Bark Lady (store owner and savvy Pemberlander); Dindonkey (Director of Housing), Yogi Rasputnik Goorvonovitch (no description would do him justice); Sebastian O'Reilly (Pemberland's so-called Minister of Finance), Ready-Mix Straightarrow (City of Pemberland General Secretary of Finding a Job), Sir Willgraph Reesy (creator of The Graph Factory and expert on global warming), and Ma Shen Li-ping (chef extraordinaire).
You'll likely end up wanting to move to Pemberland, but other than a modest number of refugees, only a few people are allowed in every year: Don't forget that population limit! Well, you can't have everything...or can you?