It Was Meant to Bind You

It Was Meant to Bind You

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IT was meant to bind you.

What is your it? Everyone, no matter who you are has an it.

That very thing that has us bound and kept us from being the person that God created us to be. Whatever it is, it came with a purpose. That purpose? To render you powerless and keep you in the prison of despair. Most people try to live with this, in hopes that it will just go away some day, without addressing it. They tell people that is who they are. That is just their character. That if they are going to be a part of their lives, they must live with it and accept them for who they are. When in reality, that is not who they really are. It is the very thing that steals their joy and blocks their blessings, therefore robbing them and the people around them of the quality of life that God has planned for them. My prayer and sole purpose for this book is that as people read this book, they will address their it head on, and discover the freedom of life that God has planned for us as his people.

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