Targeted at all truth-seekers in general, this book is the ultimate handbook for anyone in pursuit of knowledge and truths. It is the first handbook of its kind that examines and conducts nuanced analysis of the un-sanitized scriptures of Islam in order to demonstrate that it is certainly not what it claims to be. Indeed, if one follows the evidence of the rise of Islam, one will undoubtedly discover the religion's thriving Arab pagan bedrock.

Targeted at all truth-seekers in general, this book is the ultimate handbook for anyone in pursuit of knowledge and truths. It is the first handbook of its kind that examines and conducts nuanced analysis of the un-sanitized scriptures of Islam in order to demonstrate that it is certainly not what it claims to be. Indeed, if one follows the evidence of the rise of Islam, one will undoubtedly discover the religion's thriving Arab pagan bedrock.
Targeted at all truth-seekers in general, this book is the ultimate handbook for anyone in pursuit of knowledge and truths. It is the first handbook of its kind that examines and conducts nuanced analysis of the un-sanitized scriptures of Islam in order to demonstrate that it is certainly not what it claims to be. Indeed, if one follows the evidence of the rise of Islam, one will undoubtedly discover the religion's thriving Arab pagan bedrock.