Isis Unveiled: Ancient Religious Mysteries, Holy Science & Universal Spirituality (Book II)

Isis Unveiled: Ancient Religious Mysteries, Holy Science & Universal Spirituality (Book II)

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Isis Unveiled Book II by H.P. Blavatsky of The Theosophical Society is a classic spiritual book. This Isis Unveiled edition contains calculations of the yugas by Sri Yukteswar author of The Holy Science. The Veil of Isis, Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine on A Mastery Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology is her opus. It encompasses a thorough examination of religion, spirituality, yoga, Sanatana dharma, kabbalism and Christianity.

MAKE SURE YOU GET BOTH VOLUMES OF ISIS UNVEILED: Book I ISBN: 1939199042 & Book II ISBN: 1939199077 to answer the question:

"Does God Really Exist"?

This is a question that has been asked since the beginning of time and probably will not be answered until the individual comes face to face with the Truth! However, if a critical examination on the subject matter is what you're looking for then there probably is no better source than "Isis Unveiled." This book is an exhaustive effort to discuss man, life and Spirit from as many angles as possible; from all ancient cultures, myths, religions and scientific perspectives.

This book goes in depth to explore man's place in the world, how we all relate to one another and what connects us all. For the mystic, that answer is undeniably that we are all part of One Source, One Essence and One Spirit. Supported by extensive evidence from religious, esoteric and mystical traditions and classical scholarship, these volumes aid the student in detecting the vital principles which underlie the philosophical systems of old. Volume I consists of two books focusing on prevailing scientific theories balanced with Ancient Universal Wisdom Religion. Volume II's two books examine the creeds of religions past and present, alongside the myths and symbols of various cultures. Throughout, the author strikes at the root of dogma and affirms the 'paramount importance of any religion' for the individual to "Know Thyself!"

- After reading this classic book with a new translation and modernization, you will see how although time, cultures and languages may change - Truth is Eternal!
- Take this journey through history touching upon the wealth of spiritual knowledge from the Hindus, Chaldeans and Egyptians to Kabbalism, Christianity and Science.
- Enjoy the travels through the legendary Lemuria and Atlantis to the Mayans with quotes from Plato, the Chaldean Oracles, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Bible, Pythagoras, Apollonius of Tyana, the Popol Vuh, Paracelsus, Giordano Bruno, Marco Polo, Jesus the Nazarene, Siddhartha Gautama, Zoroaster, Hermes Trismegistus and Max Muller, as well as Buddhist, Brahmanical, Chinese, Persian, Babylonian, Syrian, Gnostics and so much more.

Ultimately, it is the yogi who tells us that to the disbeliever there will never be substantial enough evidence to convince the doubter. However, for those who aren't merely skeptics but have a sincere thirst for Truth, then only by going within will you ever be quenched! Isis Unveiled is the rapid river leading you to the water within... it is up to you to drink!

For those that don't know, Blavatsky is very advanced reading for spiritual students. It is NOT the type of book you read from front cover to back. You must take your time with this reading. You should use the table of contents and/or index to go to the subject you have interest in, read it and let it digest. As time goes on and you experience more life then you will find yourself coming back to various subjects and gaining something new with each reading!

This is the Edition by 1 S.O.U.L. Publishing that you've been waiting for!

"Many rivers... One Ocean; many branches... One Tree; many paths... One Destination; many stories... One Truth!"

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