In over 425 explosive illustrations INX Battle Lines etches a searing picture history of the last four decades in U.S. and world affairs. These are the very best drawings by 58 renowned illustrators from the files of the INX Group--images that have been syndicated to top journals of opinion since 1980. Full of caricature, wit and brilliant technique these drawings cross party lines to amuse, provoke and enlighten. This is an updated and revised edition with 65 pages of new material.

Inx Battle Lines: Four Decades of Political Illustration
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In over 425 explosive illustrations INX Battle Lines etches a searing picture history of the last four decades in U.S. and world affairs. These are the very best drawings by 58 renowned illustrators from the files of the INX Group--images that have been syndicated to top journals of opinion since 1980. Full of caricature, wit and brilliant technique these drawings cross party lines to amuse, provoke and enlighten. This is an updated and revised edition with 65 pages of new material.