This book aims to introduce the reader to the broad concept of management from the content of this book the reader will understand different aspects, such as management functions, skills and problems, environment, and levels of management, but all the sub-topics are related and interconnected since it supports the core concept of the management. In addition to the ideas of the pioneers' scholars of management-initiated principles for managers, and those principles became as main guidelines for the late scholars and practitioners, From the practices and observation of the early management scientist, the principles were developed and introduced as the first organized and theoretical nucleus for management science.
Moreover, the book comprehensively covered the area of management functions; planning, organizing, staffing and leading However, planning is surrounded by many factors constraining and affecting the plan performance; these factors have been considered in this book, also Organizing is a function of smoothing the organization well established principles and systems, beside theories associated with human resource staffing, and leading staff as one of most important topics in management. The book discusses the core concepts of leading, elements of leading, motivational factors, theories of Motivation and how leaders motivate their subordinates. Lastly the book highlighted the contemporary issues in management.