Internet Radio 2016: How to build and launch your own Online radio station

Internet Radio 2016: How to build and launch your own Online radio station

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A practical guide describing how to plan, build and launch an Online Radio station, i.e. a Internet Radio station, which is simply one delivered by the internet, instead of over the airwaves. The book deals with licensing and copyright issues, with special sections on the major countries and territories and the differences between them. Internet Radio 2016 covers all technical requirements of the studio, playback equipment, automatioon and playout. Each item of studio equipment is discussed and appropriate recommendations are made. Special consideration is given to audio processing equipment; the discussion also includes the various internet transmission standards and protocols, plus the essential directory entries, without which a radio station will not be found. The book has comprehensive appendices, with web links shown to reach various suppliers and sources of more detail information. There is a wide ranging Glossary at the end of the book, covering all the jargon unique to the medium of online radio and streaming.
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