The audience for this book is teachers of multilingual students who are in the dynamic process of language acquisition. This includes TESOL/ESL, bilingual, language immersion, and world language teachers, as well as mainstream teachers who teach bilingual students-essentially all educators in modern society. The book is of particular interest for teacher education programs since each chapter explains theory and then illustrates exactly how one teacher put that theory into practice in teaching multilingual students.

Innovative Approaches to Teaching Multilingual Students
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The audience for this book is teachers of multilingual students who are in the dynamic process of language acquisition. This includes TESOL/ESL, bilingual, language immersion, and world language teachers, as well as mainstream teachers who teach bilingual students-essentially all educators in modern society. The book is of particular interest for teacher education programs since each chapter explains theory and then illustrates exactly how one teacher put that theory into practice in teaching multilingual students.