Indictment of the U.S. Federal Government

Indictment of the U.S. Federal Government

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In this meticulously researched work, Senan Shaibani presents a comprehensive legal argument for the indictment of the United States for its violation of Iraq and Syria's sovereign national rights. He cites well-established international laws, treaties, and conventions, employing real world examples to make his case. Additionally, the work poses pressing questions about global governance: Why does the United Nations, a body meant to uphold international law, appear to favor certain nations over others? And how can sovereign nations around the world trust a system that seems biased against them? The manuscript, however, remains a poignant work in progress, it tragically remains without Senan's concluding touch. It should be approached as a starting point-a foundation-for readers to further the cause and continue moving the needle of history towards justice.
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