But is it?
Inside this book is the message of how impossibilities might be conquered if only you look at how you can approach them, how you can push yourself to facing fears, and realising that maybe everything you thought impossible may not actually turn out as thought. You'll never really know until you try, and the only way you can do that is if you take the risk to do the impossible. Challenge yourself to take the message to heart, complete the impossible, and then, take a look at yourself in a week, a month from reading and then ask,
"Do you say 'that's impossible!' anymore?"
But is it?
Inside this book is the message of how impossibilities might be conquered if only you look at how you can approach them, how you can push yourself to facing fears, and realising that maybe everything you thought impossible may not actually turn out as thought. You'll never really know until you try, and the only way you can do that is if you take the risk to do the impossible. Challenge yourself to take the message to heart, complete the impossible, and then, take a look at yourself in a week, a month from reading and then ask,
"Do you say 'that's impossible!' anymore?"