The Hero Shall Protect Humanity...No Matter the Cost. Leo Demonhart has finally unveiled his true identity as the Hero to the Demon Queen Echidna, and his confession comes with a shocking revelation-he is the guardian of a Philosopher's Stone. If Echidna wishes to obtain the stone and bring peace to her homeland, she'll have to get past Leo first. In a decisive battle against the man who has quit his mission of protecting humanity, Echidna and the Four Great Guardians face a momentous choice: Must they put an end to the Hero once and for all?
The Hero Shall Protect Humanity...No Matter the Cost. Leo Demonhart has finally unveiled his true identity as the Hero to the Demon Queen Echidna, and his confession comes with a shocking revelation-he is the guardian of a Philosopher's Stone. If Echidna wishes to obtain the stone and bring peace to her homeland, she'll have to get past Leo first. In a decisive battle against the man who has quit his mission of protecting humanity, Echidna and the Four Great Guardians face a momentous choice: Must they put an end to the Hero once and for all?