Tundra is the last settlement in a world of ice. Oswin Fields is its only stray--a foundling rescued from the ice who many think is a drain on scarce resources meant for Tundrans. Then Oswin is summoned to Corridor by Grandmaster Yarrow to learn magic, finally giving him a chance to prove his worth.
But Oswin barely has time to embrace his new role before his fellow apprentices start being attacked by monsters. Perhaps even worse, he learns his deceased adopted uncle is considered the most infamous Tundran to ever have lived and might have left followers behind who want to destroy the settlement. Now grappling with an unwanted legacy and mysterious foes, Oswin must look deep inside himself for the strength to prove he belongs in Tundra.","price":17.99,"gtin":"9781665968720","brand":"Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers","product_link":"https://www.discountmags.com/products/ice-apprentices-hardcover","images":["https://img.discountmags.com/products/extras/books/9781665968720_97dab50.jpg"],"item_group":"2322604"}