This book is best for all those who things are not working out for them: those who are tired of living the same boring life day in day out. Those who want to dare overcome challenges and mount high their wings as eagles till they reach their success summit! THE BEST WAY TO DEALING WITH A DISEASE CALLED PROCRASTINATION! ...LOCATING WHERE YOUR CHEESE IS... ...You don't need to stagnate in life! Just because things happened in your past contrary to your expectation does not mean that you have to dwell in the same mire! MOVE ON! Stop shouting and screaming hoping things will change if you scream... IT'S TIME TO MOVE AWAY FROM PROCRASTINATION! ...Move away from your dead past. If things are not working move on! ...Procrastination is something that will literally suck up all your time. You may think that you will get to that project at a later date or perhaps feel that you work best under pressure, but you are just kidding yourself. Think about this for a second, many times we and yes, I am guilty of this as well, will put off a project that we know must get accomplished but can't find the energy to do it. Instead of tackling it full force, we put it on the back burner and then stress out because we waited...
This book is best for all those who things are not working out for them: those who are tired of living the same boring life day in day out. Those who want to dare overcome challenges and mount high their wings as eagles till they reach their success summit! THE BEST WAY TO DEALING WITH A DISEASE CALLED PROCRASTINATION! ...LOCATING WHERE YOUR CHEESE IS... ...You don't need to stagnate in life! Just because things happened in your past contrary to your expectation does not mean that you have to dwell in the same mire! MOVE ON! Stop shouting and screaming hoping things will change if you scream... IT'S TIME TO MOVE AWAY FROM PROCRASTINATION! ...Move away from your dead past. If things are not working move on! ...Procrastination is something that will literally suck up all your time. You may think that you will get to that project at a later date or perhaps feel that you work best under pressure, but you are just kidding yourself. Think about this for a second, many times we and yes, I am guilty of this as well, will put off a project that we know must get accomplished but can't find the energy to do it. Instead of tackling it full force, we put it on the back burner and then stress out because we waited...