I Am the Problem!: My struggle with sin, the law that accuses me, and the gospel that sets me free

I Am the Problem!: My struggle with sin, the law that accuses me, and the gospel that sets me free

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The artwork on the front cover is a painted sermon titled, "An Allegory of the Old and New Testaments" by the German artist Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/8 - 1543). The central theme, encouraged by the Reformation, is the contrast between the unforgiving Word of the Law (LEX) on the left, and the forgiving Word of the Gospel of Grace (GRATIA) at the right. Man (HOMO)'s failure to trust God led to sin (PECCATUM) and death (MORS) as testified by the Law received by Moses. However, the mystery of justification (MYSTERIUM IUSTIFICATIONIS) in the Old Covenant is revealed in the New Covenant through the gospel of our justification (IUSTIFICATIO NOSTRA) proclaiming our victory (VICTORIA NOSTRA) through Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection for salvation to everyone who believes. Man sits between the prophet Isaiah and John the Baptist, who point the way forward to Christ "the Lamb of God" (AGNUS DEI) who takes away the sin of the world. I often behave as if I were trying to validate my existence. Deep down, I know that something is wrong. The world is broken, and so am I. How can I be fixed? My attempts at self-justification projects did not alleviate my anxieties. But God surprised me by grace when I realized He had provided the solution to my problem in His two words: the law that condemns me for my sin and the gospel that justifies me through Christ's righteousness. When I am reminded of those two words, law and gospel, I realize that I am the problem, and the solution lies outside of me, in Jesus Christ. This good news seems too good to be true! This book provides a theological and historical exposition of God's righteous law and sublime gospel for sinners and saints dealing with their sins and being set free by the Word of Christ. Arturo Perez is a member of the board of directors at Knox Theological Seminary, where he obtained his master's degree in biblical and theological studies. He authored Sntesis del Nuevo Testamento and Sntesis del Antiguo Testamento (Xulon Press) and has contributed articles to The Gospel Coalition and other Christian websites. He is a consultant for Spanish translations at Ligonier Ministries. Arturo is the producer of the radio podcast "Contexto Bblico," broadcasted weekly by Radio Eternidad. His works can be found in his blog: lex-evangelium.com Arturo has served as an elder at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, and he continues preaching and teaching in South Florida, especially at Riverside Church, where he serves as one of the pastors on the teaching team. Arturo's undergraduate degree is in Industrial Engineering, and he has worked many years for IBM and Microsoft in his professional career.
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