I Am Purpose

I Am Purpose

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It is time to break away from the familiar. Uncertainty leads to instability in the mind, heart, and soul. People have unconsciously found comfort in the deceptions brought on by an elect following one agenda which desires to see America forget her founding. As democracy divides, it becomes apparent to see who is spiritually and emotionally conflicted.

In this book, I Am Purpose, evidence of past prophecies is included to help the reader better understand why the Bible is the primary source of clarification regarding sex, relationships, the industry, and societies. The bed defiled or the repercussions of sex are conveyed within the message to re-awake a demoralized generation. In this time, it is vital to see what is causing the lack of true intimacy with others and God. Author Brooklyn Dellago explains the depth of deceit caused by a corrupted church. The church's sacred tradition and doctrines are accredited for the change of many laws throughout history. Today, it is essential for people to question the amount of authority granted to this sect.

As individuals, we are called to worship. The question is, who or what will you serve?

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