The Hundred Steps

The Hundred Steps

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'Sufism is the science of the journey to the King.'

'The sufi is universal. He has reduced and then eliminated the marks of selfhood to allow a clear view of the cosmic reality. He has rolled up the cosmos in its turn and obliterated it. He has gone beyond.'

'If you seek power or renown or reward from men by this Path then know that it has in it nothing but sorrow for you. If you set out seeking the Face of Allah then know that Allah is the Answerer of our prayers and His mercy is beyond our mercy, or our understanding of mercy. The Path is pure compassion at its beginning and at its end. One who knows that will be content with tajrid (stripping away) and rich in it, a king even if Allah puts him in rags, as he will remain a faqir (one of the poor) even if Allah

robes him in the robes of a king. Every king dies like a faqir while every faqir dies like a king.'

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