Whether you are just starting your Daycare or have had one for years, this Guide can help you start for the first time or modify your current Daycare program. -complete with forms, templates, and rate sheets that you can use or modify;-step-by-step guidelines to prepare your home for daycare inspections;-adhering to state laws and guidelines, -curriculums and field trip ideas;-guidance on interviews as well as terminations;-how to be treated like a professional;-how to deal with holidays and vacations;-tax incentives;-includes real stories of actual events to serve as real-life examples of the solutions contained in this book.
Whether you are just starting your Daycare or have had one for years, this Guide can help you start for the first time or modify your current Daycare program. -complete with forms, templates, and rate sheets that you can use or modify;-step-by-step guidelines to prepare your home for daycare inspections;-adhering to state laws and guidelines, -curriculums and field trip ideas;-guidance on interviews as well as terminations;-how to be treated like a professional;-how to deal with holidays and vacations;-tax incentives;-includes real stories of actual events to serve as real-life examples of the solutions contained in this book.