HAIR IS IMPORTANT! The book will: Introduce you to pH levels and show why keeping your hair's pH levels is important. Teach you that most shampoos today are chemically laden, but that there are organic and homemade alternatives that you can do. These steps are easy and inexpensive. Show you the value of regular ingredients to better hair care - derived essential oils from flower and plant extracts; herbal qualities from dried leaves and other everyday ingredients like honey and baking soda that are readily available in your homes. Share the different ways to make homemade shampoo (ie dry shampoo/''pre-poo'', shampoo bars, and liquid shampoo with castile soap or solely with soap nuts), the ingredients that you can use to make them and the tools needed to make it happen. Give tips to safely make shampoos and; Show 25 simple do-it-yourself shampoo recipes that you can easily and confidently do at the comfort of your home! Having this knowledge will give you control on what goes into your hair. At the same time, you will have a fun and exploring the wonderful healing qualities of natural products for your hair.
HAIR IS IMPORTANT! The book will: Introduce you to pH levels and show why keeping your hair's pH levels is important. Teach you that most shampoos today are chemically laden, but that there are organic and homemade alternatives that you can do. These steps are easy and inexpensive. Show you the value of regular ingredients to better hair care - derived essential oils from flower and plant extracts; herbal qualities from dried leaves and other everyday ingredients like honey and baking soda that are readily available in your homes. Share the different ways to make homemade shampoo (ie dry shampoo/''pre-poo'', shampoo bars, and liquid shampoo with castile soap or solely with soap nuts), the ingredients that you can use to make them and the tools needed to make it happen. Give tips to safely make shampoos and; Show 25 simple do-it-yourself shampoo recipes that you can easily and confidently do at the comfort of your home! Having this knowledge will give you control on what goes into your hair. At the same time, you will have a fun and exploring the wonderful healing qualities of natural products for your hair.