It is the author's hope that this collection can inspire you to explore what it means to belong, and to come home to yourself again and again as a foundational and invitational heart-based practice for our times. This has never been more necessary or more important if we are to discover or reclaim how we can live - in the midst of all that is happening for us personally and on the global stage - with joy, beauty, generosity, compassion, courage, kindness, wonder, reciprocity, wisdom and grace.
This collection started life as handwritten journal entries and musings - with supporting creative invitations and journaling prompts - over a two-year period during the COVID lockdowns in the UK. They are now shared with love to stimulate your own exploration of the many different ways in which you can find yourself. Namaste.
Elaine Patterson is founder of the Centre for Reflection and Creativity Ltd. She is a keen Nordic Walker and budding artist living between London and the beautiful Lake District in Cumbria in the UK. Elaine is a writer, designer and creator dedicated to waking us up to the beauty of nature, the whisperings of our souls and the wisdom of our hearts for a kinder and gentler world.