A Hobo's Son and an Orphan Girl

A Hobo's Son and an Orphan Girl

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This book started out as a set of adventure stories that have been published locally in several outdoor newsletters.

These stories were so well received that the adventures in other parts of the life of the author and his family were added.

A love story naturally evolved because that was what kept them going and led them from the wilderness where they grew up to the big cities working in politics, aerospace, and other advanced technologies.

They combined this "city work" with many kinds of adventures, mostly adventures in wild and unexplored mountains. The love became obvious as Bob struggled for over 50 years to satisfy a promise he made to a 13-year-old girl in grade school: "Someday I will build you a castle on a mountain!"

The book is interesting because it describes a lifetime of outdoor adventures and the effort of two kids to stay alive and progress up the social ladder.

The relevant message is that two very poor kids at the bottom of the social ladder can not only survive but rise to the top. The story is unique because the adventures have been experienced by no one else.

From Bob falling off an 80-foot cliff, to Luci battling a new form of cancer that was supposed to take her life.

Readers should take away a good feeling reading about successfully living through many adventures in the mountains and in social life.

About the Author

Bob Bristow has a BS in Mechanical Engineering, an MS in aeronautical Engineering, and all PhD coursework completed in Aerospace Engineering. He worked for Boeing for over 60 years where he built and ran his own research lab. He was an elder in his church and was involved in many professional organizations. Bob enjoys skiing, scuba diving, mountain climbing, fishing, and hunting. He is most passionate about prospecting and mining.

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