In 1801, the eastern shore of Lake Ontario was full of green fields and trees until one man, a New York City lawyer by the name of Augustus Sackett, visited the area and changed the landscape forever. The lush green fields morphed into saw mills allowing the building of houses and storefronts. Families moved into the area and the village grew and prospered. All was as Augustus had hoped, yet there were unforeseen events that struck the young village, at times, bringing it to it's knees. Through the War of 1812, the Battle of Big Sandy, and village fires, men and women pulled together to rebuild the village and pave the way for railroads and future generations.
In 1801, the eastern shore of Lake Ontario was full of green fields and trees until one man, a New York City lawyer by the name of Augustus Sackett, visited the area and changed the landscape forever. The lush green fields morphed into saw mills allowing the building of houses and storefronts. Families moved into the area and the village grew and prospered. All was as Augustus had hoped, yet there were unforeseen events that struck the young village, at times, bringing it to it's knees. Through the War of 1812, the Battle of Big Sandy, and village fires, men and women pulled together to rebuild the village and pave the way for railroads and future generations.