Born in Paris, Jean Baptiste Marie Augustin Challamel (1818-1894) was a historian who wrote extensively about various aspects of the social history of France. He wrote a great deal, and his works were well-received. Some of his titles included France and the French Through the Centuries (1882), The Legends of Place Maubert (1877), and The Ghosts of the Place de Grve (1879). Deeply a bibliophile, he was a bookseller as well as a library curator. He also was involved with the Socit des gens de lettres de France, a group of authors who banded together to defend their interests. This edition is dedicated to Cecile Ravauger, able and energetic scholar and researcher of French social movement.
Born in Paris, Jean Baptiste Marie Augustin Challamel (1818-1894) was a historian who wrote extensively about various aspects of the social history of France. He wrote a great deal, and his works were well-received. Some of his titles included France and the French Through the Centuries (1882), The Legends of Place Maubert (1877), and The Ghosts of the Place de Grve (1879). Deeply a bibliophile, he was a bookseller as well as a library curator. He also was involved with the Socit des gens de lettres de France, a group of authors who banded together to defend their interests. This edition is dedicated to Cecile Ravauger, able and energetic scholar and researcher of French social movement.