HINDI Letter Tracing: Learn to write Hindi VOWLES by tracing Hindi Alphabet letters, Hindi Varanamala Practice sheets for Preschoolers
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A perfect book to start learning Hindi Varnamala.
This book features each Alphabet, (Hindi Swaras) with its English Phonetics, Word and pictorial depiction of the word using the featured alphabet, an last but lot the least 3 pages to trace and practice Hindi Alphabets.
8.5 X 11 Inch Tracing Book
Matte finish Colorful Cover Page
52 Pages (Black and White
Hindi Varnamala Hindi Letter Tracing Book to start their journey to learn more about the beautiful Hindi language The thick base and bottom line make handwriting practice easier for kids in preschool and elementary school learning how to write Hindi Language. The graded alphabet guides the kids to be more confident and practice better.
Compatible with the common handwriting methods used in schools Don't forget to check more books from the author. Sincerely hoping to better server and appreciate your feedback and support.
Grab a copy for a friend, and start the journey together Hindi Varnamala Letter Writing, Learn to Write Hindi Alphabets, Hindi Alphabets writing and Tracing, Hindi Letter Tracing Alphabets, Learn Hindi Language Kids Educational Book Series, Hindi Varnamala #HindiVarnamalhindi varnamala for kids, hindi varnamala writing, hindi varnamala swar vyanjan, hindi varnamala abcd, hindi varnamala and words, hindi varnamala activity, a aa hindi varnamala, hindi varnamala book#HindiAlphabet
A perfect book to start learning Hindi Varnamala.
This book features each Alphabet, (Hindi Swaras) with its English Phonetics, Word and pictorial depiction of the word using the featured alphabet, an last but lot the least 3 pages to trace and practice Hindi Alphabets.
8.5 X 11 Inch Tracing Book
Matte finish Colorful Cover Page
52 Pages (Black and White
Hindi Varnamala Hindi Letter Tracing Book to start their journey to learn more about the beautiful Hindi language The thick base and bottom line make handwriting practice easier for kids in preschool and elementary school learning how to write Hindi Language. The graded alphabet guides the kids to be more confident and practice better.
Compatible with the common handwriting methods used in schools Don't forget to check more books from the author. Sincerely hoping to better server and appreciate your feedback and support.
Grab a copy for a friend, and start the journey together Hindi Varnamala Letter Writing, Learn to Write Hindi Alphabets, Hindi Alphabets writing and Tracing, Hindi Letter Tracing Alphabets, Learn Hindi Language Kids Educational Book Series, Hindi Varnamala #HindiVarnamalhindi varnamala for kids, hindi varnamala writing, hindi varnamala swar vyanjan, hindi varnamala abcd, hindi varnamala and words, hindi varnamala activity, a aa hindi varnamala, hindi varnamala book#HindiAlphabet