High Contrast Baby Book - Easter: My First Easter High Contrast Baby Book For Newborn, Babies, Infants High Contrast Baby Book for Holidays Black and

High Contrast Baby Book - Easter: My First Easter High Contrast Baby Book For Newborn, Babies, Infants High Contrast Baby Book for Holidays Black and

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"When newborns enter the world, their ability to distinguish colors is limited compared to older babies. However, research indicates that even in the first days of life, babies can perceive 'high-contrast black-and-white shapes and patterns.' This high contrast baby book - with delightful introduction focuses on simple objects in a baby's environment, featuring friendly high contrast baby book or call them - black and white baby book -text and bold, basic high contrast; black and white- patterns to provide a crucial 'high-contrast experience' for the development of young eyes, simply with high contrast; black and white- pictures.

Introducing the high contrast; black and white -'Baby Book, ' a perfect board book tailored for infants just beginning to explore and learn with- high contrast baby toys for newborn - about their surroundings.

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