- ol]: !pt-0 [&>ol]: !pb-0 [&>ul]: !pt-0 [&>ul]: !pb-0" value="1">share personal stories of how a passion for God's holiness can change your life and surroundings.ol]: !pt-0 [&>ol]: !pb-0 [&>ul]: !pt-0 [&>ul]: !pb-0" value="2">explore biblical examples of those drawn towards and away from the Holiness of God.ol]: !pt-0 [&>ol]: !pb-0 [&>ul]: !pt-0 [&>ul]: !pb-0" value="3">help you go from being worshippers of culture to true worshippers of the living Christ.ol]: !pt-0 [&>ol]: !pb-0 [&>ul]: !pt-0 [&>ul]: !pb-0" value="4">show you the role of the Holy Spirit in refining and transforming lives.
- ol]: !pt-0 [&>ol]: !pb-0 [&>ul]: !pt-0 [&>ul]: !pb-0" value="1">share personal stories of how a passion for God's holiness can change your life and surroundings.ol]: !pt-0 [&>ol]: !pb-0 [&>ul]: !pt-0 [&>ul]: !pb-0" value="2">explore biblical examples of those drawn towards and away from the Holiness of God.ol]: !pt-0 [&>ol]: !pb-0 [&>ul]: !pt-0 [&>ul]: !pb-0" value="3">help you go from being worshippers of culture to true worshippers of the living Christ.ol]: !pt-0 [&>ol]: !pb-0 [&>ul]: !pt-0 [&>ul]: !pb-0" value="4">show you the role of the Holy Spirit in refining and transforming lives.