All aspects of our habits are fair game in this wide ranging collection of poems. Whether good, bad or ugly, these habits spin us through intimacy, sex, shame, gratitude, distractions, self-destruction, procrastination or a taste for iced match tea with two packets of sugar, revealing what traps us into the routines and patterns that shape our lives.
Perhaps you'll recognize yourself among the habits our poets uncover where "Frozen foods prove the/ kitchen lacks scruples." Or where "The trash can held twenty-six empties this morning." Or "slept each night curled around her shape, big/ toe slipped over ankle bone like a latch." Or someone who "collected tough guys/ mesmerized by her breast implants." Perhaps "buried alive/ In the dormant dregs of procrastination"." Or maybe "keep clicking and clicking like a kid / licking ice cream. Or recognize "a lie stood rigid as a stop sign."
In this collection, thirty well regarded poets from across the country make us consider our authentic selves in light of the habits we exhibit.
It's a revealing good read