Mystery in Shangri La, The Lost World of Fifth Dimension

Mystery in Shangri La, The Lost World of Fifth Dimension

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""Something is hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the range - Something lost behind the range. Lost and waiting to be found. Go!"" -Rudyard Kipling

Not only author Rudyard Kipling, but there are many others who believe that the world's most mighty mountain range, the Himalayas, is home to some inter-dimensional beings. Do immortals really live in Shangri La?

The legend of Shambhala or Sangrila is said to date back thousands of years, and references to the mythical land can be found in various ancient texts. The Bon scriptures speak of a closely related land called Olmolungring. Hindu texts such as the Vishnu Purana mention Shambhala as the birthplace of Kalki, the last incarnation of Vishnu who would usher in a new Golden Age. The Buddhist myth of Shambhala is an adaptation of an earlier Hindu myth. However, the text in which Shambhala is first discussed extensively is the Kalachakra. This book focuses on the history, myths, and possibilities of immortality in sangria so far known.

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