The legal frameworks for procurement that states have developed contain both similarities as well as critical differences, making it difficult for suppliers who provide products to multiple states.
With each state having its own procurement statutes, regulations, and policies, there are similarities as well as important differences in the legal frameworks that have developed over the years, making it difficult and time-consuming for suppliers who provide products to multiple states. Now fully updated, this useful, single-volume resource contains a summary of purchasing laws and processes for all 50 States. Each chapter is written by individuals knowledgeable in each state's' laws and processes, and includes:
- A listing of purchasing laws and regulations
- Descriptions of purchasing methods
- An explanation of:
- Bid protest procedures
- Contract claims processes, and
- Administrative and judicial review
Those involved in state procurement -- government officials, contract administrators, attorneys, and contractors -- will find the information in this Guide to be invaluable.