- order of operations
- ratios and proportions
- prime factorization (including factor trees and ladder diagrams)
- fractions, decimals, and percents
- data analysis (including histograms, box-and-whisker, stem-and-leaf, and dot plots)
- negative numbers
- exponents and squareroots
- geometric figures and the coordinate plane
- direct and inverse relationships
- a first introduction to working with variables
- financial mathematics
- and other sixth grade math and prealgebra skills
- order of operations
- ratios and proportions
- prime factorization (including factor trees and ladder diagrams)
- fractions, decimals, and percents
- data analysis (including histograms, box-and-whisker, stem-and-leaf, and dot plots)
- negative numbers
- exponents and squareroots
- geometric figures and the coordinate plane
- direct and inverse relationships
- a first introduction to working with variables
- financial mathematics
- and other sixth grade math and prealgebra skills