Good Faith Politics: Reducing Tribalism, Starting from the Left

Good Faith Politics: Reducing Tribalism, Starting from the Left

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Good faith isn't for the faint of heart. Can you look into the eyes of your enemies and see yourself in them? Would you be able to listen, with an open mind, to someone who believes that your race is inferior? Are you brave enough to question the ideas you were indoctrinated with as a child?

For most of us, the answer to all three questions is no. Sincerely attempting to understand each other is just too uncomfortable. Too risky. What if we end up changing our minds about something important? Surely, we must have all of the important things right ... Right?

If you're already moving on to something more pleasant to read, then I've done my job. If you haven't yet been filtered, welcome, we have a different job to do-resisting the forces of tribalism. Good faith is no walk in the park, but it's time to start walking, together.

Rasaan Hollis is a young American of many disciplines. He studied finance as a graduate fellow at his alma mater, The Ohio State University. At his ecommerce startup, he was responsible for engineering, product management, and people development. As a teenager, Mr. Hollis was the youngest person to ever hold the lead trumpet position in the Columbus Youth Jazz Orchestra. A spirited speaker, he is known for arguing with brutal honesty and empathy. "Brutal empathy," as he calls it.

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