Paired with a mysterious teacher named Shivas Irons, Michael Murphy is led through a round of phenomenal golf, swept into a world where extraordinary powers are unleashed in a backswing governed by "true gravity." A night of adventure and revelation follows, and leads to a glimpse of Seamus MacDuff, the holy man who haunts a ravine off Burningbush's thirteenth fairway--the one they call Lucifer's Rug. "A masterpiece on the mysticism of golf." --San Francisco Chronicle "A fascination . . . Golf in the Kingdom should have a long and prosperous life." --Joseph Campbell
Paired with a mysterious teacher named Shivas Irons, Michael Murphy is led through a round of phenomenal golf, swept into a world where extraordinary powers are unleashed in a backswing governed by "true gravity." A night of adventure and revelation follows, and leads to a glimpse of Seamus MacDuff, the holy man who haunts a ravine off Burningbush's thirteenth fairway--the one they call Lucifer's Rug. "A masterpiece on the mysticism of golf." --San Francisco Chronicle "A fascination . . . Golf in the Kingdom should have a long and prosperous life." --Joseph Campbell