In this volume, Francis Roberts explains the Covenant of Grace in its administrations or "expressures" with David and his seed, and also with the captives taken away to Babylon and comforted by the prophets, before opening up the New Covenant, which he terms as "God's Covenant of Performance, made and confirmed in Jesus Christ actually performed and exhibited in our flesh, according to the Covenants of Promise," explaining that it is: "the last and most excellent covenant expressure, which shall continue New, from Christ's death, until the world's end."

God's Covenants: The Mystery and Marrow of the Bible Volume 4
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In this volume, Francis Roberts explains the Covenant of Grace in its administrations or "expressures" with David and his seed, and also with the captives taken away to Babylon and comforted by the prophets, before opening up the New Covenant, which he terms as "God's Covenant of Performance, made and confirmed in Jesus Christ actually performed and exhibited in our flesh, according to the Covenants of Promise," explaining that it is: "the last and most excellent covenant expressure, which shall continue New, from Christ's death, until the world's end."