God is proven comes before Emmanuel. Genesis 1:1 promotes the Creator as being separate from Creation. Emmanuel does not mean Creation is with us. Jesus had to prove he is God. Jesus declared he is God when he said I am the truth. A God is a truth origin. Emmanuel means Creator is with us and that is in direct contradiction to Genesis 1:1. Nowhere in Genesis 1:1 does it mention Jesus being with the Creator and the reason today the Jews and Muslims do not accept Emmanuel. Even though God is Proven, it is still a belief for us because we are not a truth origin. If you are not a truth origin, then you must believe in the truth origin because it is not your own. All truth requires evidence and boundaries, otherwise it could change, so this book provides evidence for you to get prepared for judgement.
David T. Steineker served in the U.S. Army as an 11c and received an Honorable Discharge. He is a University of Louisville graduate, awarded United States Patent No.: US 7,910,358 B1, founder of National Periodic Table Day, and has taught Chemistry for 27 years. He and Allison, his wife, live in Kentucky, with their four children.