This book aims to discourage the view that science and religion are dealing with disjoint realities. To show, to the contrary, that they are often dealing with the same aspects of reality but using very different terms and descriptions. Religion and science have been the methods of searching for the two aspects of truth, in order to overcome the two aspects of ignorance and restore the two aspects of knowledge. The day must come when religion and science advance in one united way... Then, mutual understanding will occur between the two aspects of truth, the internal and the external. Such a merging was impossible to imagine even a century ago when religion had a six-day-old universe that science considered an eternal steady state. Things have radically changed, however, with the emergence of sophisticated religious thought and the scientific revolution exemplified by quantum mechanics and cosmology. These two sophisticated streams of thought are not hostile. The aim of this book is to explore areas of thought where this convergence of disciplines is apparent, and a final illustration of how the two working together can have constructive dialog.
This book aims to discourage the view that science and religion are dealing with disjoint realities. To show, to the contrary, that they are often dealing with the same aspects of reality but using very different terms and descriptions. Religion and science have been the methods of searching for the two aspects of truth, in order to overcome the two aspects of ignorance and restore the two aspects of knowledge. The day must come when religion and science advance in one united way... Then, mutual understanding will occur between the two aspects of truth, the internal and the external. Such a merging was impossible to imagine even a century ago when religion had a six-day-old universe that science considered an eternal steady state. Things have radically changed, however, with the emergence of sophisticated religious thought and the scientific revolution exemplified by quantum mechanics and cosmology. These two sophisticated streams of thought are not hostile. The aim of this book is to explore areas of thought where this convergence of disciplines is apparent, and a final illustration of how the two working together can have constructive dialog.