In 'The Glass School In The Sky', a young boy named Marcus struggles to focus both at school and in life, finding himself bored by the ordinary. His teacher becomes frustrated with his constant daydreaming and inability to pay attention. One day as his mind drifts, he is magically transported to a glass school high in the sky- a place filled with creativity, wonder, and magic! In this fantastical school, everything is so engaging and vibrant that he can't help but pay attention. Upon returning to Earth, he realizes that the experience may not have been just a dream... Follow Marcus on this special journey as he discovers that when he's surrounded by fun things he loves, his focus soars!
In 'The Glass School In The Sky', a young boy named Marcus struggles to focus both at school and in life, finding himself bored by the ordinary. His teacher becomes frustrated with his constant daydreaming and inability to pay attention. One day as his mind drifts, he is magically transported to a glass school high in the sky- a place filled with creativity, wonder, and magic! In this fantastical school, everything is so engaging and vibrant that he can't help but pay attention. Upon returning to Earth, he realizes that the experience may not have been just a dream... Follow Marcus on this special journey as he discovers that when he's surrounded by fun things he loves, his focus soars!