Theodor Von Mopsuestia Und Das Nicnum: Studien Zu Den Katechetischen Homilien
by Simon Gerber
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Passed at Nic a in 325 the Creed became an official dogma of the empire in 380/81. What was its role in the life of the church and in the theological controversies of the subsequent years? At which point did the people start to pay attention to its exact original wording? To which extent were Theodore's theological teachings influenced by the trinitarian dogma of Nic a?
The text of Theodore's Baptismal Creed is reconstructed in both its Syriac and Greek versions. It proves to be one of the most important sources of the Nic no-Constantinopolitan Creed of 381.
Passed at Nic a in 325 the Creed became an official dogma of the empire in 380/81. What was its role in the life of the church and in the theological controversies of the subsequent years? At which point did the people start to pay attention to its exact original wording? To which extent were Theodore's theological teachings influenced by the trinitarian dogma of Nic a?
The text of Theodore's Baptismal Creed is reconstructed in both its Syriac and Greek versions. It proves to be one of the most important sources of the Nic no-Constantinopolitan Creed of 381.