Short stories that take you on journeys through childhood into old age. You get to celebrate holidays and mourn passing. You travel a varied landscape that offers surprises but never disappoints. These tales are sometimes sentimental, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but they are all delightfully entertaining. Ordinary lives evolve in mysterious ways. a lost love returns to seek help, a disappointed man discovers an unexpected dream, poetry connects age and youth, a powerful drama plays out on a lonely summer day, a man left sadly alone encounters a messenger. Each story is a surprise and a delight.

Short stories that take you on journeys through childhood into old age. You get to celebrate holidays and mourn passing. You travel a varied landscape that offers surprises but never disappoints. These tales are sometimes sentimental, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but they are all delightfully entertaining. Ordinary lives evolve in mysterious ways. a lost love returns to seek help, a disappointed man discovers an unexpected dream, poetry connects age and youth, a powerful drama plays out on a lonely summer day, a man left sadly alone encounters a messenger. Each story is a surprise and a delight.