On April 1, 1963, ABC launched an American daytime television medical drama that is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running American soap opera in production and the third longest-running drama in television in American history after Guiding Light and As the World Turns. Fifty years later, the Official General Hospital Fan Club celebrated the iconic show's golden anniversary in style.
The annual General Hospital Fan Club Weekend is the premier fan event for GH fans. Held each year in Studio City, California, this amazing four day event features numerous events to entertain fans young and old. In 2013, the fan club brought its A game to the proceedings and created a spectacular event to honor the long-running daytime drama. In this delightful book, veteran GH Fan Club Weekend staff member, Katrina Rasbold shares her personal photographs and behind-the-scenes stories from this very special weekend.- Which actor insisted on having his table moved next to his favorite co-star?
- What actor crashed the party and serenaded one of the young actresses on the show?
- What blond bombshell from the past said she was glad for all of the people her character killed because it was fun?
- Who was event coordinator Debbie Morris's soap crush when she was younger?
- What veteran GH actor received a standing ovation from the GH cast and fans?
Get the inside scoop on the biggest GH party in history from an insider who was there!